JCG Medical Legal Consulting

Catastrophic Personal Injury 2nd opinion

Winning is in the details. Nurse expert

With a simple review, you can be sure you are not missing any of the key points relating to your client’s injury. With imposed caps on many of the personal injury claims you need to know if the case is viable BEFORE you are knee deep in litigation! We assist you with any of your… medical legal nurse expert witness

Medical Review Second Opinion PA, NJ

Does opposing counsel know something you don’t? DE, FL, CA, NY, TX, VA, NC

You can ensure this is NOT the case when you partner with our medical staff. You will benefit from a team of experienced nurses, doctors and other professionals that will provide you meticulous medical legal consulting… fact witness expert testimony

Mass Tort / Products Liability

Quickly determine if your case is worth pursuing… medical expert fact report 

With our pre-exposure medical histories and concurrent product usage analysis. Mass Tort litigation can be very lucrative, but only if you’re certain you have a case before you start. JCG offers case tracking in CaseMap®… nurse fact witness

Our Experience
Your Success